Thermography is a 100% safe imaging test that can reveal a road map to improve your health, wellness and life longevity. Thermography is non-invasive and painless, involves no radiation, no contact, is private and F.D.A. Certified.

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Thermography is a screening device for the purpose of assisting the health practitioner to care for their patients by promoting health and prevention of disease by using the physiological warning signs made possible by thermography, or infrared imaging. Thermography may detect changes, that if left unattended, could possibly progress into a late stage disease that could then be detected by other types of imaging devices.

Through infrared technology, (Thermography) the real time story of the body is unveiled. Early detection and the opportunity for timely investigation and intervention are key advantages for both patient and physician. Thermography is ideal for preventative medicine. At Northeast Thermography Medical Imaging Center we offer full body and specific body area screenings.

As a Certified iScan Medical Imaging Center, Northeast Thermography Medical Imaging Center has our thermographs interpreted by Physicians Insight MD’s, which is a network of Board Certified Medical Doctors who are specialists in infrared imaging analysis. They do the interpretation and forward the report to your personal physician for consultation and analysis.

Thermography is a simple, non-invasive process that is private, requires no-touch, no-radiation and is 100% safe.

Sample of Full Body Study

Take the proactive step and call 518-368-4546 to schedule an appointment or “BookNow” using our on-line scheduling tool.

Patients Must Complete the HIPAA Patient Authorization form prior to appointment:
Pre-scan Instructions
HIPAA Patient Authorization Form